Minecraft Trails and Tales custom Xbox


Microsoft has mandated our team with the creation of customized Xbox consoles for the release of the Minecraft ‘Trails and Tales’ update.


Ride a camel, hatch a sniffer, and trim your armor. Find a cherry grove or an archeology site. Craft with bamboo, create mob sounds, and hang your signs. Write and store your books in the chiseled bookshelf, because every story matters! Start Minecraft on your favorite device to get started. The Trails & Tales Update will download automatically after release.

Play it: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/updates/trails-and-tales


Our team has customized 2 Xbox consoles: The first one is inspired by the sniffer, while the second takes its inspiration from the camel. All the pieces were crafted using a 3D printer, then meticulously painted and hand-assembled.

Customized controllers have also been designed, making each customization truly unique. The front face of the controllers is in a delightful shade of pink, inspired by the cherry blossoms found in the game. You’ll find the Minecraft ‘Trails and Tales’ logo on the back of the controllers.