Interview with Marie Bergeron


TAKEOFF Creative visited artist Marie Bergeron to shoot an interview for the Ubi Store and to showcase four works and limited editions based on four of the most popular Ubisoft franchises.

About Ubisoft

Ubi Store is the online store for all Ubisoft products. Selling an array of collectibles that range from games to clothing, the Ubi Store website is the reference for all Ubisoft’s merchandising.

This showcase offers real fans opportunities to buy all sorts of collectibles and rare or exclusive items. For this occasion, Ubi Store wished to promote the work of an artist from Montreal. Marie Bergeron then created a limited series of screen prints for some of the most well-known Ubisoft licences: Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, For Honor and Watchdogs.

More from Ubisoft

Creative process

The purpose of the meeting was to get information on Marie Bergeron’s work and his collaboration with Ubisoft. Secondly, we edited the rushes to make a short report on this project.

TAKEOFF Creative also took pictures of each piece on the Ubi Store website as part of the item description.